Toilet training for Dogs

Toilet training for Dogs

Toilet training can be very frustrating especially with new puppies, you feel like your making some progress then your lovely little bundle of fur leaves a parcel or a puddle just for you. The most common mistake people make is telling the dog off for accidents. They will even say things like “they know they’ve done wrong”. This is not the case if they were that smart they’d know you are not happy and not do it!

They are reacting to your tone of voice, if you’re in any doubt try telling them in a jolly happy tone “what clever little pup just pooped on the carpet”. If they knew it was wrong they’d act guilty but they won’t, they’ll be wagging their tail basically saying “I’ve no idea what your talking about but your happy”!

Therefore, the most important rule with toilet training is never tell the dog off for accidents. In addition, do not clean accidents in front of (dogs name). Pups can learn very quickly “how do I play that game where you chase the mop or cloth when you’re trying to clear up”. “I know leave a puddle”. If you then always praise and give treats when they go in an area that is ok to toilet, they quickly learn this is the place to go.

Basic Principles:

  • Locations: Decide all the areas that are suitable for the dog to toilet, e.g., garden, balcony, street, park. This will change as your dog develops as young puppies will not be going outside. Some dog owners choose to use paper or puppy pads in the early stages.
  • Crate training: Crates or puppy pens are fantastic for toilet training as generally dogs do not like soiling in their own sleeping areas.
  • Restrict access: It’s usually advisable to limit the dogs access to all areas of the household to begin with whilst toilet training, gradually increasing access as they get better.


  • Dogs are creatures of habit so routine is essential, if the dog is fed on a regular basis then it will recycle on a regular basis. Have set feeding times and take up any food after a reasonable period of time. If your dog is a picky eater resist the temptation to leave food down. A dog that has access to food at any time can therefore recycle waste at any time.
  • Pups usually will go to toilet within 15-20 minutes of eating so be vigilant after meals.
  • Keep a record of the following, time fed, access to an area where the dog can go to the toilet and finally accidents. Within a couple of days, you will see what your dogs metabolism is and be better prepared for success.

Rewarding Success:

  • When your dog gets it right you must praise them lavishly, after a brief pause also add a command such as, Busy, be clean, wee or poo, whichever is your preference, be patient with this command and only say it while the dog is eliminating. After a period the command can then be used as a prompt to encourage the dog to go.

If you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail or you would like a private individual training session tailored for your dog’s needs please do not hesitate to contact and request an appointment and prices.

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